weave the future

Videos and Info-Sheets

Videos :: a click on the picture will open the clip in our You-Tube channel

No limited access to the shed anymore. Fill the shed like a pocket instead shoving material in as one would do with a tube.

Change patterns, the amount of sheds and also the warp yarn while you're weaving.

How the loom was invented - test your Jacquard patterns in a flexible machine.

One of the questions is the thread tension for the separated guiding beam. It has to be a solution which supports the single threads. Here the idea is to work with suspensions.
Another question is the pressure onto the material laying on the fell, so I thought there could be a balanced flail on a wheel.

For the visionaries of us: imagine a loom, huge enough to weave glass foam blocks into glass fibre, to build passenger or freight cabins.

Also engineers want to be entertained... watch Schnuffi and his life as a thread in his daily treadmill.

Info Sheet